Marisol is the president and creator of Un Nuevo Sol (A New Sun), Centro Educativo Holístico y Sustentable UNS (Holistic and Sustainable Education Center UNS), A.C., a non-profit organization in Chihuahua, México.
She is also president andco-owner of Optimal Pay Consulting – a consulting business in the payment method industry, with clients throughout Latin America, located in Miami, Florida. Marisol is a member of the Pedagooogy 3000® International Team since 2012, participating in different Pedagooogy 3000 events and gatherings; implementing a 7 Petals School Project, Un Nuevo Sol (A New Sun) in Chihuahua, México. She is a certified Facilitator for Pedagooogy 3000 and a member of an Information Resource Center (PFF in Spanish) in Chihuahua for Pedagooogy 3000®
Pedagogy 3000 is a pedagogical momentum focusing on children of today and tomorrow, with their changes, specific needs and new ways of learning. Pedagooogy 3000’s goal is to meet the real needs of our children, society and planet as well as encourage that everybody enjoy a deep inner peace. Pedagogy 3000 promotes scientific research and constant co-creation of holistic educational tools to facilitate a comprehensive and harmonious development of infants, children, youth, parents and teachers. It is flexible, sensitive and based on new paradigms of the third millennium. emAne, a worldwide link for A new Education. This network co-creates together an innovative education with creativity aiming to the integral development of the human being, a caring society, a healthy Planet, through the expansion of consciousness and solidarity.